>>3650589Why are you factoring in characteristics of a sensor and processing when mtf measurements are only to do with the lens? And you clearly did not read my post, or did not understand it if you're bringing up pixel boundaries. And no giannis, your explanation is not spot on, it is a compromised measurement system designed to work within photography, my point is from a purely engineering point of view and I can assure you it's correct. As for the comparison between a7 and A7r, hopefully pic attached makes that a little easier for you to grasp, it's merely a result of sampling and the 24mp picture being worse is a result of the issues with Bayer sensors, any image shot on Bayer and viewed at 100% will have an inherent lack of accuracy as it takes more than one pixel to represent any single colour, if we view both cameras at 100%, instead of the A7r image being downsized, we can see the circle of moire pattern, and degradation of image quality due to Bayer defects, is almost the exact same size. For someone that complained about sensor/processing defects this should have been a natural assumption for you.
>>3650606Your point about mtf1 being an impossibility is wrong and moot, you are rooted in the compromises of photograhy, not the science of electrical engineering, and for arguments sake I'm happy to use mtf95, which the otus does achieve, at 10lp/mm, all it needs to do is increase its combination of resolution and accutance by 16 times and it will be at the point it can outresolve a 24mp sensor; I hope this makes it more obvious how ridiculous it is to consider anything but sensor size, with traditional lens design we are never going to get 16 times better, so for better results the sensor must be larger, and your argument regarding other sensor factors is equally moot.
As for your cars and wheels, imagine if your wheels were 1/16th the size they are, would increasing engine power help your car go faster? Of course not you won't have the grip needed.