>>4379438hello im back again :D
im reading 'The View Camera' (new edition) by Harvey Shaman that my professor gave me, and all the examples on depth of field and sharpness uses f/22. my professor on the other hand told me to always use f/8 for sharp pictures in any format. im not too sure if hes right or wrong or if the book just gave a random f stop to use, but should i still use f/8 or f/22 for maximum sharpness? (assuming my focus isnt shitty)
not a question but my girlfriend said she'll gift me a spot meter (we were looking at a pentax spotmeter v at the shop a few weeks ago) if i dont buy one myself since i've been talking to her about getting one. always wanted one, as i only have a gossen luna f pro that ive been using for years and hasnt messed with me (as long as i pointed it correctly lol). has a zone system that i never use but still fun to have and i can auto correct filter factors with ease. lovely teach, a little fat but i dont mind. the spot meter would be even fatter then.
what meter do you have? or do you just wing it with the sunny 16 rule. one time i forgot my spot meter and i was an hour away from home so i just did sunny16 and it came out "ok". i know thats not the best for large format but hey it was a fun experience. printable at least