>>3685787> Youre analogy doesnt work as a cabin is multitudes cheaper than a mansionMy analogy DOES work because price isn't a factor. No one buys a second house in the woods to *save* money. Hell, my Leica actually cost me less than my main Canon body.
If you're really that pressed about it, swap "mansion" for "small suburban home" and "cabin" for "cabin on 107 acres of undeveloped woodland that cost significantly more" and everything else in the analogy stays the same.
How about an alternate analogy, if you didn't like that one: Knitting a scarf. You can get a higher-quality scarf that's cheaper (when you factor in the value of your time) by just buying one in the store, but some people just enjoy knitting and enjoy the feel of wearing something they made themselves.
> Also theres nothing stopping you shooting manual on other camerasI've tried it. I've even got a broken Rebel that won't autofocus that I've swapped in a split-prism screen. It's just not quite the same. It doesn't spark the same level of joy that shooting with the Leica does. I can't explain it, it's just a subjective personal preference. And, again, obviously, if it's not for you, it's not for you.
>>3685793>Mental illness then I gatherIf you legitimately can't understand the concept of someone else having a personal preference that's different from yours, then I'd say that you're the one with the mental illness. Most people figure out that other humans have rich inner lives and separate experiences and memories from them long before they hit the minimum age for getting on 4chan.