>>4075258>I'm convinced she did it for feminist points.What seems to usually happen is one of their "friends" makes them feel weird about it by repeating a bunch of bullshit other people have manufactured from their own defective minds and repeated it in echo chambers till it comes off as truth. And then theres haters, who knowingly spread what they know to be lies in exactly the same way.
In it's softest mode the attitude shifts from "oh nice photos of me" to "omg hes dangerous" is in the form of "just to be safe" after reading some insane shit online.
>>4075370if you arent visually interesting i'm not even going to notice you when im in aesthetics mode.
So no, it's up to you...to say hi or ask me to photo you....which of course you can do non verbally simply by making it obvious you are posing or something. Stand and smile usually does it.
That said if I get a weird vibe from anyone I ignore them. Maybe you do that.
>>4075372>tripfags need to go and stay goas if the board isnt enough of a shitty nophoto gearsperg wasteland.