Ayy another insta thread
https://www.instagram.com/l.bignan/It is miss match of different types of photo but I kinda Iike it that way, it keeps me open to experimentation. Had some fun making double exposure edits recently and I think I'll keep doing that for bit.
I usually go for texture, ambiance, or interesting lighting as I'm not a big 'subject photo' man. On a side note I think I post too much but at least I tend to archive later to sort it out.
>>3800451Some of these feel like random snaps, not the really the right angle or frame I feel like, those cars splurging around the shots or the unstrait buildings really speaks for themselves, you even cut that poor cripple's only working leg. Also the women portrait with the cheeks right in the middle of the cobble circle feels a bit too on the nose.
On the plus side now : good color and kudos for trying street some of those are great shots, the delivery man (cars done right this time) and the bushiness man really stand out. Portraits in your older stuff are also good nice expressions and settings. I don't know about those recent one with the girl though, kinda meh imo. Still in your older stuff I really like the nature shots, the bumble bee in bokeh is suberb.
>>3800463Keep it up man it's great work. Your earlier architecture shots were a bit hit or miss for me, but I really like what you've done recently especially the more bold compositions with bokeh and blur.
>>3800604I'll say it straight up, I'm not a big animal photography fan. I really like the 4th one though good angle, the subject is nicely separated on the black background and has an interesting expression.
>>3800710Not a big fan of posed portraits and you seem to have only females subject, going for that insta click huh? Color grading is nice and consistent, I guess you must hate green. Everything feels professional, too much so maybe