>>3550622>I find it significantly more convenient to focus with a nice rangefinderGod yes I agree. Just the fact that a rangefinder's viewfinder is always in focus is such a blessing. I find it so disorienting when I raise an SLR to my eye and it's all blurry and out of focus, not to mention rangefinders have significantly brighter viewfinders as SLR's are reliant on how fast your lens is.
Focusing wise you SLR's are way more precise but if you really get good with a rangefinder you can focus much faster. For wide open portraits rangefinders are kinda tricky to nail focus but again it's all down to practice.
For SLR shooting I use the split prism 99% of the time, the other 1% is on the off chance I'm shooting portraits where the microprism comes in handing.
Both my Ricohs (XR-7, XR-P) have a diagonal split prism which is sooooo fucking good compares to a regular split prism, you can actually focus on a horizontal subject without turning the camera 90 degrees. Would highly recommend a diagonal split prism over a horizontal one.