>>3056410idk JCH isn't like anything I've shot before, so I don't have much to compare it to. I almost exclusively shoot Acros because it's so cheap here, and JCH is definitely much nicer. Acros grain is pretty much nonexistant though, which makes for sharper images.
One more JCH image. This one is a little hazy since one of my lenses is infested with fungus
>>3056583Black and white is easy because it's just 3 steps and you don't have to be that exact about anything.
Colour film is just as easy to do, but the whole process has to be more precise. The temperature of the chemicals _has_ to be exactly what it says, and the time has to be exact too. The good part about processing C41 is that it's a standardised process, so all films process for the same amount of time and in the same dilution chemicals.