>>3452265>http://www.usdebtclock.org/So the debt is caused by public speeding you say?
Interesting that world's wealthiest and most resource rich nation is struggling so much with debt, despite having some of the fewest socialised services.
Surely lesser nations, with more socialised services, would crumble at an instant under the burden of debt to fund those services.
Countries like the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany.
>they're all +50 places lower on the debt listSure are the socialised services creating that debt.
Also funny, that the European country closest to the US in terms of debt, is the one with the most similar neoliberal polices and restricted socialised services, the UK.
In the of countries, debt seems to be inversely correlated with socialised services, and positively correlated with neoliberal policies.
Also, for superpowers, external debt is free money, because it's not enforceable.
It's ridiculous to claim that US with all its resources, domestic production and exports, as well as non-repayable external debt cannot afford pay for socialised services, while all European (and developed Asian) countries do exactly that with a fraction of the resources.
>They manage to deliver mail, pay tax, and make profit (despite the government's best efforts to financially rape them to death every year, read the Wiki article) because they are run as a business instead of a bureaucratic mess.Since you made it a point to emphasise that free university is not exactly free, someone pays for it; do you think FedEx's profit is free? Of course not, it comes from squeezing the bottom feeder employers dry, like a pyramid scheme.
Pic very related.
(Actually the lawsuit was won, source on ruling:
In the bad "free uni" models, the rich pay through taxes for the poors' tuition fees.
In the good "good private business" model, the poor (employees) pay for the rich's profits.