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We are on a dying train. Photography is dead. With their phones everyone is a photographer now. That's how IG got flooded. Everyone is tired of looking through photos and giving them likes. Why would you? If you use the app by now you have seen almost everything that exists. And if not just put in the hashtag and you find endless photos of the same composition.
It shifted now to reels because it's fresh for the eye and offers new things and more content. IGs algorithm is doing the rest.
What's left is a very small niche market where some enthusiasts still enjoy taking photos with an actual camera. But only other enthusiasts are interested in looking at those photos because they are the only ones to appreciate them (and seeing a difference to phone photos). Hate to say it but flickr is probably the only option left. But you can't ever expect that many followers/likes like in the IG prime time.
Another option is going the print way. Make your own website and print photos that you give to local cafes, dentists, etc. to hang them up with a QR code to your website or so. But for what? no idea.
I take photos now so I can look at them once when editing in lightroom and then they collect dust on one of my many HDDs. Maybe one day in far future they have some value as "nostalgic photos" or so. Who knows