Congrats on your first roll! Caffenol no less. Any trouble with scanning? Heard RPX400 has that clear base, different substrate than what Kodak uses; did it curl, or otherwise need pressing before scan? (also, from personal experience, "I'll re-scan the good ones later" is like the story of making the low-res contact sheet equivalents eventually canonical...)
>>2586525Overexposed the buildings, or underprocessed (to tone 'em down, assuming you've got a 16-bit greyscale TIFF or PNG to work from). There could be visible detail in between the floors still, like there's towards the lower left of the chunk of them. Also there's too much water and too little sky, and the castle(?) isn't composed well into the picture. (same for the boats; I hardly noticed them.)
The water is well exposed, though. Lots of detail. Too much even.
That's to say, I'd go back and reshoot the living shit out of that.
>>2586531Best in set. The rocky hillside on the right is just nice to look at, and the darks of the trees complement it well, to rise into a rodinal stand development style haloed sky. Only downsides I can see are that the line between water and rock isn't straight, and the diagonals could've been composed usefully.
Keep shooting.