>>2591270People telling me not to do what I am completely within my rights to do is called Coercion.
People implying that I am a deviant in order to succeed in this Coercion is Defamation and basic prejudice.
People behaving verbally or physically threateningly is Assault.
...all of which are illegal and can carry prison time.
Criminal illegal, not Civil illegal.
Even if I were breaking the law by using peoples images commercially, it would be under Civil law. But I'm not even doing that.
Tell me again why their simpleminded and frankly sexist/ageist misinterpretation of my intentions should be complied with at all?
By complying with this kind of assholeish behaviour I am complicit in promoting it.
That is not how i roll.
It's not a muh freedums thing, it's a don't fling bullshit at me and expect me to comply with anything you demand.. philosophical thing.
When you have young rookie photographers, as well as older ones who are terrified of legitimately shooting people becasue occasionally the public are self entitled cunts.. come and thank you for standing our ground against assholes....
then you may understand where I'm coming from.
The vast majority of people are extremely cool with it.
Only a tiny fraction have this psychological shadow where they presume evil in others; thats ALL the wailing.
Demands that I delete something I'm only keeping so I can recognise who is a cunt is also futile. I need it so I know what you look like next time. If you caught my eye once it'll happen next time i see you too. Having a photo helps me to remember who to ignore.
I may refuse to delete it off the camera, but it effectively ceases to exist anyway because fuck you. The only chance anyone will ever see it again is the police when I file charges against the people who think it's appropriate to be douchebags on a regular basis. Hasn't happened yet, but if it ever does need to I have full documentation.
Fuck me? No, fuck you. Categorically. With notes and images.