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Achieving Dreamy Photos with film

No.2607323 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been in love with those dreamy tumblr-esque (fuck you tumblr users know where to find nice photos) and have been trying to achieve a similar look through the medium of film.

Now here's the issue, there are only two commercially available 35mm film locally, Kodak Ultramax and Fujifilm Superia, both ISO 400.

The quality of the ultramax is so sharp and crisp it's almost annoying, it is hard to achieve dreamy photos with such sharpness. This has been my favorite to use because it's so available and of how crisp it is, but I really want to create dreamy photos.

The superia, on the other hand, has this hazy feeling to it which I like, but the colors feel dull and uninspiring, as well as having an insane amount of film grain for it's ISO (in my experience).

Therefore, it really leads down to technique. What techniques should I use to achieve what I want? The way I shoot is I meter the environment once, set my camera to the settings and then snap away. I'd like to avoid using photoshop because I feel like it takes away from the authenticity of my picture.

I'm in no way a professional photographer, but I enjoy capturing moments on film because it is a fun medium.

TL;DR I want to have hipster pictures without use of photoshop/photo editing software with my film camera.

Shot with Sears KSX-1000 with Kodak Ultramax ISO 400