>>2620477>>2620478>>2620480>>2620481>>2620482>>2620484>>2620485Nothing really special about these, just random snapshots taken from a moving car.
>>2620486Fuck, okay I like this one. Actually really like it.
>>2620487This is pretty nice too, might look better without the lampost.
>>2620488>>2620489>>2620492>>2620494Not a fan of these, just seems random and not well executed. Also hate the processing in these
>>2620489 >>2620492>>2620495Can't decide if I like it or not, the bw is pretty extreme for me.
>>2623744>>2623748>>2623749These are fucking great. saved.
Can't tell if I'm retarded or if the mountain one is a bit crooked.
Some good stuff in here, keep shooting man.