>>2630908Very very few of us are mature adults. Most of us are middle class sheltered self absorbed arrogant asshole outcasts looking for acceptance through abuse and angst.
Here's how /p/ works:
1) I see a Digital Rev where Kai makes a comment about how the A7 doesn't really focus all that instantly in super low light situations. So I don't have to ever touch the camera to know for a fact that the A7 (and all Sony cameras) can't focus for SHIT.
2) I'll then come to /p/, and in order to feel intelligent and useful and important, I'll tell everyone I see to not get an A7 for ANY reason, even portraiture, or still life, because I know for sure that the AF system on the A7 is the worst thing since the asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
I tell everyone to get my dream camera, because even though I don't have that EITHER, I've convinced myself that it's literally perfect, and superior to all other cameras for all uses and all budgets.
3) Then, you, who HAS a Sony camera comes to chime in that the A7 has a perfectly serviceable AF system for almost all uses, in a reasonable and experienced mindset.
4) This challenges my fantasy world, which causes me to lash out, and derail the thread.
5) Everyone gets a little more dead inside, and /p/ continues to be a place for petty gear arguments, and all of my focus stays on gear where it can't actually do anything useful.