>>2648500I've always loved night shooting because of the long exposures, it makes the digital photography closer to the analogic one: you need to WAIT and you don't wanna really waste any shoot!
Actually it took me days of trying to shoot this images!
the first ten shoots took me a lot because of the exposure (1 shoot, 1 hour of waiting!)
in the first image i posted, the longest i shoot, we set the tv brightness at minimum(and played a horror mostly shadowed game), in most of the trying shoot in fact the walls was completely burned, white.
Even in the original shoot the white balance where perfect because the tv "made" all colors so over us seems to be white light (if you see outside the windows in fact it's all yellow because of the street lights)
one of the things i like the most is how the camera took the non-lighted subjects, how the grain there is so visible!
however, i set the camera with the closest f and the lower iso, then just used the remote control witch has a "thing" to lock the button. Clearly when you shoot with low light and a long exposure time you don't need to be very very accurate, 10s more or 10s less does not affect the image result.
sry for the bad english, i'm italian as you read!