>>2654228I like some of them, I like your doge. I think that less is more, but everyone curates his instagram as he wishes
>>2654231I want to be in a flamingo party
>>2654294I can see your feels in some of them
>>2654320Yours' made me long for the outdoors
>>2654490Concert lights look great with that flash work you are doing. I'd like to see more out of stage portraits, I feel light takes most of the protagonism at the concert.
>>2654494Seems like you put an effort on your latest stuff, It's also not bad to have a glimse on everyday life, Instagram can be kind of voyeur and I like that.
>>2654498Work on not being shy with people
>>2654500Also, don't be shy, showing someone being something is not enough.
>>2654504You work in an oil drill? I'd like to see more about daily life there
>>2654505Well, there is not much to give an opinion yet
>>2654521Cats are awesome, fog is awesome too
>>2654783I like the minimal people giving a feel of scale to architecture
>>2654931B&W film skateboards by night please
>>2654938I'd like more people doing cool stuff
>>2655214People are a very important part of places, don't be shy to be in front of them for a photo
>>2655285May seem creepy, but I like the blood on the trail
>>2655307I like your animals, keep on going with that
>>2655312I like the portrait, give me more portraits
>>2656104Your friend with crown is awesome
>>2656111You seem to have a fun life
>>2656129Not many images yet, but keep going
>>2656170I will allways apreciate a doodle. Following.
>>2656234ATMOSPHERE (I like the twins, awesome)
>>2656239That fly is giving me seizures, but I like it
>>2656245You like pleasant stuff, but try to make people to look at your photos pleasant too
>>2656271Stingray face must become a meme
>>2656312Engineers seem to have something of a common style
>>2656343Man, you look like Jesus
>>2656396I liked that low key self portrait
To be continued...