>>2685608Depends on your price range and what size you want. The main sizes are 645, 6x6 and 6x7. There is also 6x8 and 6x9 but there are fewer examples of those.
You want medium format because having a bigger sensor will make you feel better about yourself. That way you can insult people who use a smaller sensor. It happens with people using full frame over aps-c and m4/3. This is the same reason people shoot medium format over 35mm. My point being that you can't show your 645 snaps without someone telling you that it's small compared to what they shoot. Of course 645 is perfectly fine and so is 35mm. Afghan girl was taken on 35mm. You think you can do better than Afghan girl? I didn't think so.
I shoot 35mm film but since I have a small penis I had to get a 6x7 camera too. I would get into large format but that requires actual effort. That is why you don't see much of it around here.
I'm just letting you know what you want to get into.
Cheap (300$ or under): Mamiya (RB67, 645, M645), Pentax 645, Fujifilm (GA645, GS645, GW690), Bronica (ETRS, SQ) Yashica Mat
Average (300-600$): Mamiya RZ67, Bronica GS-1
Expensive (600$+): Pentax 67 (I don't know what happened, price has gone way up on these), Rolleiflex, Hasselblad 500CM, Mamiya 7, Contax 645
There are a lot more and prices very a lot but I got to run so I'll be back later.