>>2690968The fact that someone would post thiswith no sense of irony is so majorly sad.
>>2690964What you fail to recognize, is that the vast majority of Leica users just enjoy taking photos. They just like using the cameras. It's your personal issue if you have jealousy over how they spend their money.
I've become close with a small camera store owner who, along with Canon, Nikon, Sony and Olympus, sells quite a bit of Leica gear. I've spent a lot of time in the shop.
Who do you think comes in asking about megapixels, signal/noise ratios, "which lens is sharper", trading in last year's model for the samey "this year's model?"
It's generally not the Leica guys.
Those guys come in, ask about the family, talk about where they've gone recently and talk about photography.
This fabricated Leica persona that clueless online gremlins have constructed is just small-minded and stupid.
It's completely unbelievable that - young people especially - would be so mortally afraid of a rich ecosystem of camera gear existing. If brands like Linhof, Leica, Phase One, even Pentax for that matter didn't exist, everything would be one vanilla, boring, static digicam mush. Fighting so bitterly to protect the status quo. It's nuts.
Some wealthy guy bought a camera they don't know how to use. Fuck you. Who cares?
Some kid's parents bought some girl a 5DR and she photographs flowers in the garden. Good. There's another person enjoying a camera. You can choke on your self-righteous indignation.
The shitty, snot-nosed, jealous, petty, resentful attitude in this thread stinks rotten.