>>2695144Holy fucking shit. Go kill yourself. Seriously. It's not the epitome of landscape photography but it's pretty good.
>>2695088 Don't listen to the dipshit I replied to above. I enjoy the salgadoesque editing, it's nowhere near his compositional skill, but it's still solid. One of the best in this thread by a mile.
>>2695132I like it, but the autist in me is raging because it's slightly off. Is this a VSCO filter or your own post?
>>2695149I like the composition but the aspect ratio leaves far to little space for the girl in the front. Exposure is nice though.
>>2695207You said it yourself, there's nothing to see in the picture. But it's pretty good if I account for the fact that you started a week ago. Keep on shooting.
>>2695213Could work in a set, but says to little on its own. Too much space on the right, especially since part of the subject is on the left. Nice colors though.
>>2695236I like that fact that all lines are leading to one point. Aside from that, it's shit.
>>2695271>>2695271I like the colors and I'm partial to central composition, but this would have profited from a different aspect ratio, especially since it's such classic cinematic theme.
>>2695273You did the same subject in a recent MF thread. This is worse.
>>2695302Align it better and choose better light. Could be good.
>>2695607Underexposed like 1.5 stops. Shitty WB. Interesting portrait to begin with though.