>>2701540>for photos that I think are great>I only ever got good feedback on my work, and I continue to.I'm not sure if I've ever seen a negative comment on any of the big photo-sharing sites. Does that mean everyone's photos are good?
I've improved immeasurably since I started getting my work critiqued here. And, as a result, I've just sold my first canvas print, I was booked to shoot a party last weekend, I'm shooting for an interior design firm next week and I actually just got a call to arrange a studio shoot (just boring catalogue shit, but it's something) for tomorrow morning as I was typing this comment.
And it's no thanks to Flickr/Tumblr/Instagram/Reddit who were saying my work was 'magnificent' and 'marvellous' years ago. Work which now makes me cringe.
Sure, being told your photo is shit is unpleasant at first, but it's something you need to hear (and get over) if you want to actually be good.