OP, I'll pick out the ones I didn't like and try to explain why.
>>2706512>>2706525Only because the style is bright and feels poorly done. But that isn't to say the images themselves (composition) were bad. I just didn't like the style choice.
However, those are rather minor gripes in the grand scheme of things. I really liked how you portrayed NYC, as someone who goes through this city every single day it's nice to see a more honest view of it besides the shitty standard B&W or "Grunge" shit.
>>2706519is my absolute favorite and that station is actually quite a marvel to look at in person. This picture makes it look a lot more amazing than what it is, and that's something I like.
Overall, I think this is some good stuff. Well done. A few minor minor minor "I wish a detail was different" in some images but nothing about your work was an eyesore.