I've played with everything short of Instax, Kodak's patent-infringing stuff, Polaroid's 180/195, and any of the special cameras for dentistry/passports, etc. Ask away.
Impossible's new B&W is the shit, up there with FP-3000B in contrast. Highly recommend. That yellow film is great, too - same chemistry.
Impossible's older-gen color stuff was OK and develops faster with heat. Haven't shot color in awhile but I have a few packs of their newest SX-70 on standby.
>>2714148AAA-mod is pretty easy to do. Thank fuck my nearest RadioShack survived the cut, I get the battery holders from them.
>>2719866SLR-680/690 with Mint lens set is as close as you're gonna get. Or there's that Instant Lab if you just want to print digital flicks on instant film.
>>2721374Except for the 660 which had the sonar AF, literally all the plastic cameras take the same-quality pictures. I rarely shoot with any of the plastic cams (I usually flip the ones I find at Goodwill, the ones i still have were gifts or family-owned) but have a soft spot for the 660.