>>2838270What thematic consistency? The rainbow of slightly tinted fogs? The fact that they're all shot around the same farmstead?
Well, that's because most of them are from the same day.
If you're trying to imply my subject matter is thematically consistent, always this, then I don't think you're actually that familiar with my work at all and would encourage you to check out my website instead;
jamiewilliams.22slides.comThe criticism of my "surroundings" is generally pretty clearly tied to identity politics of the board, and certain mongoloids that mistake a lack of desire for international travel for meaning I shoot the same quarter-mile area every day.
I like to assume those assumptions come from Europeans that don't properly understand the scale of my state, and think it's like never leaving Bristol.
So, the thought is hardly an insult to these photos, because you're essentially just complaining I've posted too many, too similar. That's a given, they're siblings.
If you wish to maintain that thought past this particular thread, you'll find it's woefully easily disproven- there are no gulf beaches this far inland :^)
there's something to photography beyond just seeking out beautiful new subjects. It's impossible to convey this to people that have a sitting hatred for their surroundings, though, and view it as a portal to escape to exotic new ones.
Wandering new places for new things is where you find the wows. Wandering the places you're intimately familiar is where you find the zens.
Wows hit harder to the vein.