>>2839255>Yeah, and it was so bad that the board came together and started using a gear thread, and an RPT.lol no. burtgummer made the first one in another ploy for, i dunno, attention or canonizing in the /p/antheon or something. it was supposed to be just a little lark of a thread, "hey, post your photos that don't fit into whatever theme or set you're working on in this one." People quickly found out that they're really just a convenient place to dump your photos where they won't get ripped to shreds. It's a total herd mentality. The really old and weak buffalo-slash-shitty photos will still get destroyed, but there's a good chance yours won't. There's just too many of you.
>Before the gear thread, there were so many gear threads that when you started your photo thread, you'd post your three photos, and in five minutes, it would be off the front page, an on its way off the bottom of the board./p/ has never been that fast. It still isn't. If you're only posting three photos, you're not doing very hot either way. Alex Burke shoots fucking 4x5 in the middle of the fucking wilderness and he still comes back with more than 3 photos. There's no reason some dslr kiddie with unlimited frames can't cobble together 10 or so keepers out of a two week period. The only reason to post less than 3 photos is laziness or distraction. The RPT only reinforces that.
The gear general is another form of cancer, but I don't care enough about gear threads to write about them here. All I'm saying, and will continue to say into the foreseeable future, is that RPT's are a bad thing for /p/. y'all niggaz need to self-edit a little more, shoot a little more, collect your photos into a set (could be organized by time, even! GODDAMN!) and post your own damn photo threads.