>>2842695I do, I also call golden hour magic hour, iso as "i es oh," I call digital video recordings "film/tape," I always literally 100% of the time use "snapshits" instead of snapshots, I call speedlights "strobes," and real strobes "flashes" I call DigitalRev, "those Hong Kong guys," I call 500px as "500 pee ex" instead of "pics," I cal sony g lenses, "gangster master," I call speedlight gels, "colors," I pronounce (Nikon) as "knee kohn" thx to living in Japan I guess, I call my Voitlander lens "my Voigt," I call my CF card a "memory card" even though it's not a stick of RAM, and I OP as "pha ghet"
aint changin, and I take better shots that virtually anyone on this shit forum