>>2843888>>2844233>>2844229/p/, and to a larger extent everybody on social media, doesn't know shit about photography as an artform. Shoot to please yourself first and foremost; explore your creativity, break the rules, find what makes you happy and continue to do that. Everyone here only tries to drag you down to their muck of gearfaggotry and bitterness over leaving the house to take pictures. You don't owe anyone an explanation as to why you took a photo, especially on an anonymous chinese rice farming forum.
But on the other hand, don't be a trend slave, don't do things just for the likes and faves and whatever bullshit pandering approval system for some "vast audience" that doesn't really care about your photo for more than 2 seconds.
Then again, I shouldn't be trying to inspire you faggots who didn't even have the balls to post your actual photos.