>>2848339ok, a little boring.
>>2848344pretty shit, his face is out of focus and I don't really know why you wouldn't show his eyes.
>>2848357I like this, the sunset is pretty cool with all those anntenae there.
>>2848361this is ok, kind of boring. I'd probaby try to get that brick wall in the back.
>>2848369meh, that building to the left doesn't add anything.
>>2848686get closer to the action, it'll tell more story than to just see some random firetrucks.
>>2848751thats pretty nice, all the foreground is outta focus though.
>>2848796not really sure what this is of, the colors are nice though.
>>2848801not sure about this, I think i'd be better if you showed less of the town or more of it. like zoom in or out. I think its alright though. post the uncropped one.
>>2848807looks pretty disgusting. not straight.
>>2848851thats nice, crop the unfocused foreground out.
>>2848864don't actually mind this one, muh modern art.
>>2848926the B&W doesn't add anything and its not really a great one anyways.
>>2848930you got it buddy, those waves look like absolute shit, post the original, the sky probably makes the mood way better.
>>2848942quality is shit and i'd open up the aperture, theres alot of unfocused shite in that foreground.
>>2848946why is that so fucking bleak. the color looks like shit.
>>2848949>>2848958cool but no composition.
>>2848959pretty nice, I don't like the elevated angle but thats just me, nothing really wrong with it.
>>2848987I like the idea but the table is at a bad angle and it doesn't add anything. I'd try to get it straight on and on one fo the third lines.
>>2849003over-processed but I like the idea.
>>2849082you killed the little the background you had, but it does seem a blit cleaner depending on what you're going for.
>>2849100its pretty cool but theres alot going on and not all my attention is directed at the guy/girl/alien.
>>2849112>>2849115I don't what to say man, they're pictures of flowers.