Austria fag here so I guess I should at least time to give you some crit since you visited our country
>>2847805not much going on in this one, the highlights are also a bit blown in the sky
>>2847806could use a tighter crop/getting closer and when you try to do a centered shot, make sure it's really centered
>>2847807pretty cool shot, highlights are a bit blown in the window though
>>2847810I like those symmetrical shot, but the reflections could be a bit stronger (maybe bring out the blues a bit more)
>>2847811cool shot, but again blown highlights
>>2847817probably my favorite shot in the thread, really nice and simple composition, great greens. I'm also a sucker for those fogy shots so that might be part of it
>>2847818I wish the island was a bit more empathized as it's the obvious contrast point to the mountain in the right, otherwise nice
>>2847821>>2847826>>2847830>>2847833>>2847836these are okay I guess
>>2847838>>2847840noice ones, maybe go a bit easier on the greens in the bottom one
>>2847842great lighting on the trees
>>2847846sign ruins it unfortunately
>>2847847I feel like this had great potential but it's just lacking the certain something. Can't really put it in words
>>2847852could be used in a tourist information showing Salzburg so pretty good
Hope you had fun here anon!