I was standing on a corner of Wabash street taking a picture of office windows with a peculiarly mad arrangement of sticky notes on them, when a fake, fraudulent, greedy quote un-quote Buddhist monk approached me. You've seen them. They've got those damned "pendants" or lucky charms and pester you with peace, peace, peace, donation, donation, donation.
I took my picture of the sticky notes, pretending he wasn't there. After the picture was taken, I looked at him and turned my body so as to have the camera right in his face. As soon as I pressed down the shutter, activating the auto-focusing beam, the look of bewilderment in his face pleased me, I'm partly ashamed to admit because I'm a Buddhist myself.
But god damn it felt great. Blasting a fake Buddhist monk in the face with flash, and getting his picture as he tries to avoid the camera. He scurried away, caught in the act, looking for a person who didn't know his game. Another faker approached me just a minute after and I did the same to him.