>>2873453There something really... Some people from my grandmother neighborhood, including my aunts, are protecting the owls that live nearby. Since when a unstoppable 'progress' came to town ,because of a false hope of oil (Petrobrás and pre-sal thing here in brazil), the city are growing in an exponential non-safe way, and the owls were almost gone. So, the neighborhood thought to build some shelters and ensure some security to animals that live there. They are slowly coming back.
I took this photo near a beach shelter they did, this is the natural one, some shelters have some bird house and stuff, which I personally don't like, but it help to get the owls back.
took that photo at the sunset, almost no light, had to pump my ISO.
>pic relatedsome of the shelters they did, since the owls live in ground burrows, the houses, stacks and things, are just a way to show and tell the people and tourists to not be near there, that it's actually something and protected.
ps.: the shelters are open, in natural areas near their natural habitat. No walls have been build or anything like it, the owls are totally free. They have their holes, some of them their bird houses, and signs to tourists to not mess up.
yes, this photo is terrible, but, just to show you what the shelters are.
>>2873455you have no idea how hard I've laughed. thank you anon, such joys hahahah