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No.2869398 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /p/ I need some help/advice. Been doing photography for about 3 years now and I have been loving every bit of it. But as of lately I've been feeling like I haven't been moving forward creatively. I was out of practice for a bit because of classes at College and other stuff like that, but have been doing more since the semester is done for the summer. Idk why I have been feeling this way, idk if its because I haven't been able to shoot anything new/been to new places, or I've been out of practise for a bit, or if my camera is holding me back. I've had the Nikon d5200 for a while now and want to get the D750 but I need to save up before I do that.

I was hoping some of you could check my flickr give some advice. pls no bully.

>pic related, Shot that I'm most proud of.