>>2876865Navy photographer here. This. Army/Marines guarantees you combat cam, but navy/air force is a more complete media package. I currently cover an aircraft carrier but plan on trying to go Combat Cam in a couple years, which is more jntelligence gathering than phojo, but it puts you in war zones and that makes your resume look great for afterwards.
Plus not to mention, and no offense to anyone here, after very basic schooling at DINFOS, the media school for all branches, i'm positive nearly every graduate is better than any photographer i have ever seen here. I really only visit this board to just shake my head in wonder at what people think photography is. They WILL make you a better photographer, you are forced to interact with people and learn how to actually cover events and capture real moments. Not take flat pictures of trees.
All in all, if you want to be a photographer, the military is an excellent option. We also shoot with Nikon d800s/810s/ and d5s at most commands, and have gear most people could never afford