[62 / 17 / ?]
Apart from Photojournalism and being a Paparazzo are there any good things you can go out and shoot and make money off of it?
I do not mean like weddings or interiors etc I mean specifically things you do not need to schedule prior that you can just go to and shoot and then profit from afterwards?
I have thought about shooting portraits on the street (though this does not seem incredible profitable) as well as things like open events/ competitions where you could shoot and potentially sell images to competitors etc.
I would love to go full Nightcrawler mode but I am in Australia and as far as I am aware our news publications are not really interested in this shit (nor does it happen enough in a condensed area to be worthwhile).
Apart from Photojournalism and being a Paparazzo are there any good things you can go out and shoot and make money off of it?
I do not mean like weddings or interiors etc I mean specifically things you do not need to schedule prior that you can just go to and shoot and then profit from afterwards?
I have thought about shooting portraits on the street (though this does not seem incredible profitable) as well as things like open events/ competitions where you could shoot and potentially sell images to competitors etc.
I would love to go full Nightcrawler mode but I am in Australia and as far as I am aware our news publications are not really interested in this shit (nor does it happen enough in a condensed area to be worthwhile).