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Photo 101 Assignments 8-AUG to 12-AUG

No.2896672 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Seems like there are a lot of newbies (and a general lack of anyone, what happened with that?) since I was last here. I'll keep posting these as long as I'm interested in doing such.

The subject for this week is patterns. Go, find some pattern, then experiment with different framings to emphasize this pattern (note that a break in the pattern often reinforces the pattern, but don't get fixated on finding breaks in patterns). Take at least 10 versions, then cull those down to 1 which you'll post here. Ideally, you'll talk about your image as you post it as well as give others feedback.

The rules:
>you have 1 week from OP to post your interpretation
>photos must be new photos taken for this assignment (this becomes pointless if you just post shit from your catalog)
>resize your shit
>aesthetics are not a focus for this image

Get out and shoot! or set something up on your desk and shoot if sunlight is scary!