>>2903398Would have been way better without those leafs blocking the view
>>2903401No thoughts put into this picture? I mean, does it hold any value to you our did you just point your camera at random directions and took a shot?
>>2903403I'm liking the colours. Pretty good.
>>2903405Could have done way better with composure. I get that the guy selling hats is interesting. Good job, you found a good subject for a photo. However, now there is a beachchair infront of him and you can barely see his face because of the background. Just walk up to him and ask if you can take a more portrait like picture. Could have turned out really cool. Now it's just some beach assecoires and a wierd guy blocking the ocean view.
>>2903406Also not a very interesting subject but i get the artsy feel. Liking the colours.
>>2903409This is good. Would have moved a bit though so your horizontals and verticals wouldn't be so fucked up. Besides that, good shot.
>>2903411No subject at all
>>2903412Even more shit subjec
>>2903413Could have done so much better with composure. The poles could really shape the image. Now the left pole is way closer to the border then the right pole though. Fucks up the image. Just move to the left a bit, it's not so hard. Also would have waited to take the picture until the guy was between the poles, not in front of one. If you think the fat guy away, it would have been a good picture if you crop the image a bit on the right side.
>>2903414I like this one. could have moved past the fence to target the carrousel even more, but i also kind of like the feeling of it being locked up behind a gate.
>>2903417Nice ass.
Most of these pictures are just snapshots for practice i hope. You don't have to post them on /p/... You could have just posted the one with the fountains and the one with the carrousel.
Practice framing and don't be afraid to move around a bit before you take the shot.