>>2907807digital camera, enlarger lens, custom bellows & 3D printed parts.
medium format can look ok out of a flatbed for web sizes, the limitations on file format, the slow and finicky process and lacklustre results at larger sizes mean you often sink money into something that will do nothing but frustrate.
Setup a good DSLR rig and dedicate some hours into not only getting the rig working smoothly but also the editing process and you will be a happy camper.
a good enlarger lens will only be around $40, bellows can be had for $25 on ali express, backlighting can be done by a phone/tablet shining through a piece of opal acrylic (although a flash would be slightly preferable due to it's wider colour bandwidth than LED)
if you're going to sandwich the negs between glass, either use anti-newton glass (expensive, hard to find) or high quality non reflective glass for photo frames, a framing shop will hook you up for a couple of bucks. If you use "normal" glass, you will get newton rings.