>>2920604Well, only two MFD cameras actually shoot video, the Pentax 645Z (which I own) and the Leica S 007.
The 645Z really only has video as a "why not?" feature, as it's absolutely terrible, the real reason live view is there is for the sweet 16x magnification you get for precision focusing.
The S 007 does 4K and is properly equipped for everything you need video-wise, but it uses 1:1 pixel mapping in 4K, so you'll get about the same "physical" frame size as if you were just shooting a 35mm camera in the first place. At least it's usable though.
As a stills camera, the 645Z has the better sensor and more features all around, like a tilt-screen and dedicated mirror lockup knob. You get access to a whole array of legacy film lenses you can nab for really low prices, or some really amazing new lenses like the 28-45mm.
The S 007 is faster and more responsive, but minimal in every aspect, as Leica cameras tend to be, and 50% more expensive. All the native lenses are also absurdly expensive, but are simply amazing in both sharpness and rendering quality. Its very easy to adapt other medium format lenses to the S, and some adapters even offer full electronic control, but the real reason to own this camera is for the S lenses.