The problem with these photos is that when you actually look into the substance of the photograph, they aren't very pleasing, interesting, or exciting. They follow a set of parameters for what normies think looks good, but they fail to attach any meaning to that framework, or in other cases they fail to execute at a level that is above the norm. In this photo
>>2918586 I like that composition. But the way it was captured failed to make for a good photo imo, I think that it should have some more dof, and I think that prism thing is distracting. the photog chose to shoot it in this way just because they wanted it to look a certain way, not because they though that those settings would be good in that situation. and when you go down and look at the rest of the photos, you're gonna see the same things, He finds a subject that meets those check boxes, but fails to execute the photograph in a way that makes it the best version of that scene. And it's not even as if they aren't technically proficient enough to capture it better, they just want to fit into the culture that they think is cool, and it's limiting because they force themselves to capture photos in one way. And that's fine if you are looking for a theme or overall mood, but the problem, imo, is that a lot of the photos are just boring shots that are shot and edited to look similar, not a curated set created to convey the theme