>>2923919It's not necessarily strict. What i'm mainly trying to say is that your pictures don't contain much of any composition to help complement your subject matter. I didn't post that picture to win any prizes, I just wanted to match tone with one of the few photos I have that is similar to your work. I normally shoot nature photography. What I feel makes that image is the great use of strong leading lines to draw focus on the subject.
I think the photo you mentioned with the boy playing the accordion is probably your best work because it has the look of deliberate intention for creating a tone, mood, and presenting an interesting moment. the use of negative space is perfect. the problem is I had to click through like 12 uninteresting photos to find a good one.
This might be what you're doing, but show your work to more people preferably the kind of people you want to present to as a professional in the future. See what from your work they find pleasing and then expand on those photos. and only show them the best of the best from the point onward where you know your audience's tastes.
If I were to give you technical and compositional advise, I would say get closer to your subjects and use negative space and motion blur only when appropriate to the mood.