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Alright; instead of throwing this into the gear thread because it's more along the lines of the style of photography produced by these lenses.... I thought I'd ask outside that thread.
Looking to get a Cinematic / Anamorphic lens for roughly 300 USD.
I've been looking at the ISCO 2x with DLSR adapter as I'm shooting with a Nikon Df.
Are there any other lenses I may be missing? I did research and the only things I'm coming up with is
Pic relate is ISCO & Adapter for 299.
Looking to get a Cinematic / Anamorphic lens for roughly 300 USD.
I've been looking at the ISCO 2x with DLSR adapter as I'm shooting with a Nikon Df.
Are there any other lenses I may be missing? I did research and the only things I'm coming up with is
Pic relate is ISCO & Adapter for 299.