>>2934654nice, but I feel the out-of-focus lower third isn't really needed
also, shop out that dude
>>2934660your subjects are out of focus and the angle looks wonky
>>2934658make sure half your photo is not black due to some shitty trees
>>2936299nice character, toon bad about the focus
would look better with a more dreary background
>>2936338that shitty swirly bokeh makes me sick
and it's too dynamic if you want a lazy mood
>>2936370nice color composition
subject could be zoomed in more, there's too much empty space
>>2936378nice in a "Mom's vacation photo" kind of way
>>2936477rotate so pool border is perfectly level
>>2936478it's like I'm looking at some 30-40 year old vacation picture
a failed one
>>2936480>>2936481your subjects face isn't half out of focus
and congrats, you managed to make owls boring
>>2936483trivial and boring
could have been mildly interesting if you subjects were fully in the shot
>>2936484nice and phallic
>>2936485>>2936491this one's not half bad
>>2936486>>2936487>>2936489>>2936490forget shooting in public aquariums if your camera is a brick
nice try with the exit sign, too bad you didn't try to get a worthwhile contextual composition going
>>2936495so trivial
it's like you accidentally hit the release while stashing your cam
can't help but think it might become more interesting if the shot showed more context
>>2936498this one's lovely
>>2936503not bad; can't decide if it would be better if those lines were better aligned
>>2936664trivial subject, blurry, noise... boring
would have tried to align the gap with the silver element instead of the building edge, though
>>2936674would be so much better with either the shopkeeper posing more visibly, or shallower DOF so she's not as noticeable as much
>>2936685background too busy
>>2936693nice shot
too bad you cut his elbow off
>>2936695it looked somewhat nice
until I realized it honestly just bores me