Old pic, I've since added the Rokinon 12mm. The lenses in the pic are the 23 1.4, 56 1.2, and 50-230. (Which I got for free and is surprisingly decent.)
>>2940689Obviously different person here, but I've got a ton of "chunky DSLR" experience (shot FF Nikon before switching to Fuji, had a D3S and D610), and I'm loving how small, light, and "direct" the XP2 is. It can do 95% of what my DSLRs could, too, I've even shot auto racing with it.
Amusingly enough, the ISO dial is probably my biggest complaint about the XP2, just as with your Df. The inset dial thing was a dumb idea and only worked on film cameras because you'd only change it once per roll at most, and just ends up being a pain in the ass. I never used auto ISO on my DSLRs, but I find myself doing it a lot on the XP2 just because it's annoying to change manually.