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No.2979690 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's have a photography feels thread.

Whether it's out hobby or means of income, we all (hopefully) love what we do and we post here through mutual passion for it.

So whether it be good or bad, let's talk about some feels we get related to our mutual love for plastic and glass.

>tfw you do a photoshoot for some people and they all change their facebook profile pictures to photos you took
>tfw taking a bunch of photos throughout the day and finding out one you took that you thought was inconsequential actually turns out to be one of your favorites
>tfw you meet people from all walks of life through what you do
>tfw the world looks so much nicer because you've taught yourself to look at it a different way
>tfw you make a nice thing people enjoy looking at because you saw what other couldn't

Let's hear some of yours