just so y'all know this is my first post in this thread, maybe one of the numerous people who claim they can see our IPs can verify that.
This thread is a pretty perfect example of how shit /p/ is now. There's more discussion about who said what and general shit-slinging than there is about the photos.
For what it's worth, I like these:
>>2992528>>2992525>>2992524The night one stands out as a successful iteration of the experiment I mentioned hadn't worked in a previous thread.
Isi I think it's too late now and it even seems plausible that you haven't samefagged in this thread, and that you've drummed up so much vitriol in your years of posting here that all you need to do is post a thread (and it's pretty cool that your photos are distinctive enough to be recognisable as yours even when you change your posting name so often), and the denizens of /p/ can be relied upon to create a shitstorm like this.
I think one of the factors that led to these shitstorms is your extreme reaction to criticism. You either take it personally (like you did with me when I called out your rubbish rainbow gathering photos), or take this weird superior intellectual tone which really amounts to "if you don't like it, it means you don't get it. Pleb."