>>3007389as bland as bland can get
>>3007426a gh3 huh? well ill give you credit for trying to work with the wrong tool, the photo is a tad too dark and all over the place, the dudes silhouette is distracting more than it is fitting
>>3007431wowy zowy, a wallpaper sized snapshit of NOTHING, dude, you gotta try a little harder on composition, and ease off on the urine colored filter, you seem like you could accomplish street photography, try that out and come back in a while until you get better
>>3007439dude, this is fucking terrible, a dark blue photo of other peoples art, if youre gonna try to capture "modern ruin" or graffiti, at least get a photogenic hobo or dude with a cigar in front of it for cliche points
>>3007440not bad, the composition is fun, and the clouds add to it quite a lot, BUT, the shadows are deep blue, and the highlights are red, a good tip is snow is supposed to be white, with cyan shadows for a realistic look, if you were going for an instagram/vsco look, it failed
>>3007442i get what you were going for here, but it falls flat because of how dark the photo is, i basically have to squint to see the 2 people, but keep going, street photography is hard to get good at, so keep trying it m8
>>3007443awful, just awful, i cant tell youy any good things about this photo and how you could improve it, just dont try it again, its a waste of space
>>3007444jesus fucking christ, worst ITT, this is so cliche and stoopid you should be ashamed of yourself