It's that time again. It's the time where /p/ descends into the bizarre infighting that happens once a year as the forum births forth a book of the images of the year. Participation is open. Submit what you will but keep in mind that blatant troll submissions will be ignored. Curation will be modest. This should reflect the community and will be inclusive to any anon of any reasonable level. Since it came up last time I was foolish enough to run this keep the submissions PG. While we all love the black and white photo of the chick blowing bubbles while riding a dildo that shit won't fly in this book.
How to play:
You can submit 1 or 2 photos but you will only get 1 page. So if you want a full page photo go for it, if you want 2 photos they willl be on one page together.
The book will be square and published on blurb for purchase (from which I will make no money) and will be available as a pdf for free.
Email your submission to:
[email protected] S U B M I S S I O N G U I D E L I N E S (dont fuck this part up)
List your name/trip if you want it to appear with your photos and how it should appear
Make your photos 12" on the long side @300 dpi
Name them your name eg: DerpyHooves_1.lolpg
jpg or tiff is fine, it doesn't really matter to me
When will NatureGuy deliver? Probably towards the end of April. I have a terrible amount of stuff on my plate atm. A bunch of work got pre-purchased and I need to produce and print that work by early June and that will be taking the majority of my time. This is a side project that is being done for personal nostalgia 's sake.
Submissions are open now through midnight Feb 28th.
Did I forget anything?
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
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>>3008480 >The book will be square yass
Gonna dump some shit to get us started, all OC
>>3008573 >>3008574 I hope thats not the kind of content people are going to submit, random snapshits of nothing.
>>3008593 That's why there's curation, thankfully
Do the pictures have to be square since the book is?
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>>3008623 He's just outlining the format - we can use the space entirely as we see fit.
>>3008482 I can only download a ebook version of the first one (2011). The others only have previews and the qualitz of it is meh. Why don't the other p books have the same option?
>>3008642 I haven't dared look at 2011 and 2012 yet. 2013, even at thumbnail size was a fucking humbling experience.
>>3008644 what do u mean with "humbling"?
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>>3008647 I just mean it's full of shots I wish I'd taken. It's an entirely subjective opinion, and shouldn't really have been a reply to the previous post, or indeed posted at all.
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What I meant to say with this
>>3008642 post is why are there no pdf (or any other digital format) that I can download those books and view them without web scaling like on blurb previews.
Or is it that I don't get the point of these books and they're not meant to be free as downloads?
Is this good for the book?
>>3008662 this hurts the book
>>3008662 you didnt even clone out the dust spots...
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>>3008662 clean your sensor?
>>3008680 Its not dust spots, thats flak. This is a WW2 Photo.....
>>3008684 In all honesty, Im not sure how to do it very well in C1P. I stoped using PS
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>>3008688 use the clone tool, or the heal tool, or spot removal if small enough.
Also don't shoot at f16, that's gonna really make them stand out, and it's past the diffraction limit - f5.6 was all you needed for this scene, the foreground is nowhere near you.
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>>3008480 Based NG.
Really glad you've decided to make the new book for us.
>>3008480 Are we having a team of curators or is it just yourself? This isn't going to affect whether or not I submit but I'm just curious.
>>3008622 He literally said that anyone of any reasonable skill level will get in. The idea is inclusion, not exclusion.
>>3008773 Pls no team, I'm only in if NG gets absolute powers.
If the tasteless fuckheads on here get any decision making powers it'll all end up like shit.
>>3008782 >>3008783 It's great if it's just him and it's more inclusive. Encourages people to submit what they think is their best without trying to pigeonhole folks into believing they need to appeal to /p/'s "standards" (minimalist architecture, landscapes and portraits of pretty girls)
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>>3008785 exactly
Make /p/ books Great Again
(I actually think they've all been surprisingly good, and have been happy with the ones Iggy made too)
>>3008480 How many submissions so far?
>>3008480 >Curation will be modest. curation should be hardcore. and should be done ONLY by you.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3008623 No, I stated the format so people know what their layout will be if they choose to submit 2 photographs.
>>3008642 No idea. I gave out the one I did forever ago as a pdf. Some kind anon might have it somewhere to post.
>>3008773 Just myself and curation will be light. This is a board mostly made of novices and I want it to be inclusive and fun. Curation will mostly be to keep out troll submission or photos with severe technical problems that need to be addressed before accepting.
>>3008793 5
>>3008886 >hardcore nope. If someone else wants to do some sort of ultra-exclusive drama fest they're welcome to. The point here is for it to be fun not necessarily some bizarre forum portfolio.
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Made my submission, excited to see if I make it in.
Iggy !!/aAbIR4ZhLS
>>3008642 I have the pdf files for the 2013/2014 books, I thought the link was in the sticky?
Anyways, sadly for the 2013 book, I only have the proofing version (has watermarks). No idea whatever happened to the "bought" pdf version for this year. And the "bought" pdf file of 2014 with no watermark. Anonymous
>>3009174 >couldnt cut it as an artist and teaches instead >calls us novices Anonymous
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>>3009230 He said most of the board. And he's not wrong.
>bumping this failure from the 5th page kek
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>>3009698 I wonder how many submissions have been already
>>3008480 can't i just send you my fucking page and you choose which photo would be good for the book? fucks sake guys
>>3009719 kys man.
Are you really this lazy?
>>3009719 lol what a retard.
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>>3009221 >>3009174 So this is what I found in this thread and in sticky. If someone has 2013 and/or 2015 without watermarks - PLEASE SHARE
>>3008662 What the fuck are you serious? You made a thread asking for fucking feedback and you had everyone telling you to clean up the spots and shit in post but you completely ignore it and continue to post the same shit?
>Im not sure how to do it very well in C1P Hurr durr how to google. You don't even have to click a link - google fucking tells you the answer Anonymous
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>>3009892 dont waste your time with that fat piece of shit.
Is there any categories that you will be making?
>>3008480 Does the photo have to be only from 2016 or can it be from any year? Is it gonna follow the same idea as the previous books?
NatureGuy !BqcQeeA4HA
>>3010075 They have to be from 2016.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3010076 true, but who the fuck do you think you are
NatureGuy !BqcQeeA4HA
>>3010104 It's me, Reagan.
>>3008480 where else can i talk to you faggots other than this board
>>3009958 Categories are super lame my man.
Don't box yourself in.
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>>3010237 if you see the old books though he does put similar images with similar themes
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>>3010217 There's the discord Don't be a dick and don't be a circlejerking faggot there. The discord is not the same as the board.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
We are at 15 submissions
>>3009719 nope, pick your own photo
>>3009958 no, I made categories the first time and regretted it.
>>3010075 2016
>>3010076 >>3010108 false prophet
Why is it so silent? Are people still making submissions?
>>3012800 This board is essentially dead and on its last legs. I don't think anyone realizes how bad it's actually gotten, but...
It's pretty bad.
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>>3012801 Why do you think so?
I still check recent photos and some other threads where people post their pics. I hide all gear threads, to keep it simple. Sometimes you have stacks of those like on my screenshot, but whatever.
If we submit a 16:9 image will it be fit horizontal on the page with white borders? You did say the book is square. I ask because you mention that images must be 12" on the longest side and that wouldn't really need to be stated with a square. Pic related.
>>3011960 I already did a submission, is it ok if I submit another photo?
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>>3013039 not OP but maybe one is ok
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>>3012837 crop your photo to square for biggest book coverage.
>>3012800 everything has been said, should everyone who makes a submission post in here?
so for the sake of making this thread less empty: I'm going to make a submission, i just havent decided yet which picture to hand in. i tried finding two verticals that fit together well but there are not 2 from 2016 that i would like to see together so it's going to be a single picture by me.
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>>3012837 the 12'' restriction is for print quality. you can make one 12" on the long side 2" on the shorter it will be just a very odd panorama.
Will we get in trouble if the pic is from early 2017?
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>>3014808 keep it for the 2017 book and hope that the shot from the first week of 2017 isnt your best one
Thanks NatureGuy, looking forward to seeing everyone's work
>>3015237 right there, the single reason id buy that book of succ.
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>>3015240 thanks m8
been a looong time since ive even picked up my camera, and im hoping 2k17 will be a more eventful year for my shit
>>3008480 What's the preferred color space?
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3012800 There isn't a lot to discuss the butthurt and drama is oddly missing from this thread.
>>3012837 I just grabbed the same info I used for the last one. I don't really recall why I asked for 12" last time desu. It will be on a page, with white or black borders, the rest is up to the photo(s) you submit.
>>3013039 no
>>3013386 that would be a nice way to keep this bump
>>3014808 if I notice your submission will be rejected
>>3015531 adobeRGB but it isn't super critical. I'll be converting everything to same color space before working with it. A huge amount of the work is just fixing some of the shit that gets sent in, eg sizing, color space, inconsistent naming, the usual.
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>>3016339 >There isn't a lot to discuss the butthurt and drama is oddly missing from this thread. This just proves /p/ is dead
>>3008480 >Name them your name eg: DerpyHooves_1.lolpg >Anonymous_1.lolpj, Anonymous_1.lolpj, Anonymous_1.lolpj So either way you have to organize them, right?
>>3016339 Blurb docs say
* sRGB for books designed with BookWright or their online tool
* Blurb ICC Profile (i.e. GRACoL2009) for books designed with InDesign
Muhmegapickels !!0Z+XAssRGPW
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>>3008662 >polarizer and ultrawide Sonyfags, I tell you
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>>3016854 We should be submitting everything as sRGB. Natureguy just likes to make things difficult out of habit.
So anybody here ordered from blurb before? Are you happy with the book and print quality?
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>>3017659 My last purchase all the glue holding the pages together didnt work whole book fell apart first time i opened ill never buy from them again they are overpriced as fuck and the images look horrible.
>>3017659 The two Australian produced ones I have are glued together properly, but the image quality is a little weak. Not really bad, just not what I was expecting from a photobook. Seems that is fairly typical these days though, nobody remembers what prints are so printed is now the inferior standard.
Basically they are expensive, but that's to be expected. I imagine if you max out all the quality and size options they are probably fairly good.
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>>3008662 Do you eat or cough just in front of your camera when you change the lens?
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The earlier books are pretty great. For 2016 I must conclude, it was a lousy year for my photography and I hesitate to send something, simply because I do not have much to compare to. I'd like to see some of the submissions. If you do not mind, I ask for posts
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>>3017752 Wow. That looks like garbage
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>>3008782 >reasonable skill level yeah, i.e. not snapshits of a window
>>3017752 >nobody remembers what prints are so printed is now the inferior standard. Yup, I asked because I've always been interested in printing. I worked in a printing business for a bit, offset and digital.
I'm actually considering getting my own A3 photo printer somewhere in late 2017, probably a Canon Pixma pro-100s, that's the most I could consider spending in something like that as a non-pro..
>>3008480 Where does the money go to?
what the fuck is 12"? i'll just send the 6000x4000 file.
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>>3019347 >how do I 12*300 Anonymous
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>>3019335 there will be no profits.
Yo natureguy if you're here can you tell me what # of submissions we're at?
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>>3020601 guess there will be a lot of last minutes given that we still have 2 weeks
>>3008480 >Came back after 4 years >naturebro still runs the /p/hotobook! Yes! I want to participate.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3019063 I got one of those for 200$ off eBay couple of weeks ago (Canon Pixma Pro-1). Like it very much so far, though I haven't really found a reason to print multiple A3 sized prints yet desu
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3022862 To be brutally honest i haven't flipped through what has been submitted yet. I'm stupid busy and haven't had time to kill.
>>3025612 The canon's are only okay and the ink costs get hideous with them. I ended up tossing the one I got with my 5Dii way back when.
>>3008482 >paying for shit from 4chan Where can I download the .mobi files?
>>3025960 still time to submit? I would like to test some modest shots. Any theme or general visual guideline to follow?
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>>3027982 just sent mine in.
please let me know if you got it because iggy didnt get mine last year.
>>3008480 just sent mine in.
please let me know if you got it because iggy didnt get mine last year.
had a wrong quote in the first post
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3027982 Just read the thread bro? Your questions are answered already.
>>3028310 how am I supposed to know which is yours?
>>3028329 i worded the same request similarily in my mail.
gmail was d**d****14**@ .
did you get that one?
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>>3028453 Got me. Pls no spam.
Also scrap one * from there... Got that wrong too
bampu deadline is tomorrow fgts
should i enter? i didnt plan to, but, since the brazilian piece of shit isnt in charge anymore, i may as well participate.
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>>3030570 I meant to submit something last year and then again weeks ago, expect an email in a couple of hours my dude
>>3030575 No one is going to beg you to post your fucking snapshits. You sound like a dick, and your pictures are probably trash, so do everyone a favor and stay out.
>>3030860 cool, will be sending one then!
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>>3030867 To the recycling bin I hope
Iggy !!/aAbIR4ZhLS
>>3030575 >since the brazilian piece of shit isnt in charge anymore Gerhart !!Er2kRZDPVFx
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>>3008480 It's been a while! I guess it's nice to make a comeback for the annual /p/book
Sugar !egyYvoBZV2
NatureGuy gaybugs4andshit339
>>3031002 i'm sorry to inform you that your submission has been rejected for failing to meet minimum standards.
Sugar !egyYvoBZV2
>>3031006 You can meet my cock in your mouth and deez nuts on your chin fagtron
NatureGuy tg3hbUo06u8
>>3031008 Hey, that was some shitposter, not me.
This being said, I need to inform you that I've had to delete your submission anyway as it didn't fit the sizing requirements at all. You submitted 1.2 inches on the long end.
I'm also going to be closing submissions now, so you'll need to wait until next year.
>>3031009 How many submissions do you have in total?
NatureGuy tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3031021 lol dude that isn't a real trip
also 45
zx !!zp0QoyTsfyb
>>3031034 ay NG I've been away i can get you a submission tonight or tomorrow if you'll still accept it?
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
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Sugar !egyYvoBZV2
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>>3031073 I made my submissions today and I'm in my truck at a loading dock
No excuses.
Sailens !gVBgUPReLQ
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Submitted (and maybe I shouldn't have since it's been forever since my last post, but who cares)
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>>3030948 Is it ironic that my submission is a trio of dancing Brazilian trannies?
sledwar_ !!1/kWJX80qnI
I missed the deadline. I'll have to try again in '18. Are submissions usually around this time of year?
>>3031755 No idea, but NatureGuy said he is going to look into the submission on a later point and not now.
Send it, maybe he downloads everything when he is going through all the stuff. Can't imagine that there are a gorillion mails to look through. Mmmh..
@Natureguy, how many people usually apply for the book?
sledwar_ !!1/kWJX80qnI
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>>3031995 Submitted, worth a shot I suppose.