>>3009342Yeah. I dont think its a striking enough shot to even bother with. Maybe if I get bored one night.
>>3009358Thanks for the comments. The photo itself is probably ovecooked haha. But as it displays on my screen, thats v close to the colours of the soil through that area. I'll keep it in mind for next time tho.
As for crooked horizons;
>>3009332 is a plateau that slops off to the left naturally so I think the photo is accurate as its not a true horizon. Again
>>3009334 is on the same plateau, but the photo is looking slighly uphill at a very small ridge which slopes off to the right - however, looking at the photo, it does look crooked so I'll straighten it up (but I think it will still have a bit of slope off to the left when straight).
>>3009376Thanks! I tossed up for a while about whether it had any worth beyond my nostalgia of how beautiful it was IRL that day, so i'm glad someone likes it.
>marmite > vegemitebut I'm not too sure about your taste tbqh
>>3009421Any tips on how you think I should make them less boring?
>>3009425>shit compositions, looks like you were on a walk and happened to have a camera with youHow should I compose these shots differently? I spend a bit of time thinking through composition, and for the most part I'm happy with it. But I'm always willing to take on board how other people think I should be composing
>these are iphone tier photos¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>white borders are complimentary not compulsoryI somewhat agree, but I've been using border since 2013 and have no plans on stopping now.
>>3009491Yeah, they are somewhat dull -b ut that is part of what I'm trying to capture. I havent really succeeded in a lot, but a few I'm happy with