>>3011702>Exposure Time1/80 secExposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating500its great but could have achieved better focus by upping the ISO - don't be afraid of grain esp using an a7
>>3011703Great shot, add some vignetting top left
>>3011716Don't use convert to B&W in lightroom, you want to work with the color sliders and desaturate to get a better digital B&W look.
>>3011718The man detracts from otherwise great shot
>>3011727Nothing really, looks like a pier in the background, would have loved a shot of that istead, take a moment to just look with your eyes before you shoot. This is not an insult, breath and take in the view. Then compose.
>>3011738you would benefit from comp stitiching multille exposures here, in sharpness and tone. look into luminosity masks also
Exposure Time 1/2 sec
F-Number f/5.0
Very questionable settings. Work on your Sunny 16 and EV chart memorization.
>>3011766Alluring, not sure what it is - snow bank? I like it though
>>3011924Prefer the color, well done, love the layering of multiple blues and reds. Good dodge and burning!
>>3011945>1/50 sec 1 second would have been dope, a slight car trail and car prob just the same. I like the color tho
>>3011958Crushed blacks work here well, good choice keeping the building in gives scale desu
>>3011966you really got a nice handle on white whites and black blacks (ok hand emoji)