>>3028615Tell them that subjects being on the edge is uncomfortable for viewers, which means only do it when it's intentional and you want the image to be uncomfortable (like a horror movie where the blind spot of the border means you can't see important out-of-frame space near the subject)
As soon as you include bullshit pseudo-math to a pretend composition (third / fibonacci / 'golden' Anything) then the reason Why things are located where they are is non-existent.
There's no actual human reason for the composition, numbers are purely arbitrary. There's no reason why 1/3 would be better than 1/2 and better than 1/4 and better than 4/7ths.
Whereas tips like major-minor (if there are two people in frame, use an angle where one is larger than the other so your eye isn't ping-pong bouncing back-and-forth non-stop without knowing where to focus) can be remembered for the actual Reason why they are done, rather than the fake math number.
Invoking rule-of-thirds is like rolling a number of dice then picking a horoscope to read. "Dice = mathematical statistics! Now we're Rigorous!!"
There's zero empirical basis that the grid points have ANY real meaning whatsoever to perception. They exist purely to better bullshit audiences in critiques.