>>3032645I'm working on a back design. I'm probably going to build something like the photo from
>>3032493 . The current prototype of the camera just has a lip around the edge that the film holder slides into, and I put a little bit of electrical tape around the film holder.
Currently my plan is to sand a piece of plywood to precisely 5mm (5mm is the distance from the front a film holder to the film). Then make a cut out the size of the 4x5 image area and clip on a ground-glass on the back of the 5mm plywood (gonna try making ground glass too). Then use some kind of spring arm system to hold the plywood/ground-glass in place. There will be small divots in the plywood back to receive the end of the spring arm to keep it from falling out.
I've built cameras before where I took some kind of film back off a donor camera, but for this camera I want it to be compact and lightweight.
This prototype of the camera is built out of black foamcore and black electrical tape. The foamcore is really easy to cut so it's a great prototyping material and it's light tight enough you don't have to worry. The next version of the camera will be built out of 5mm plywood which is still pretty easy to work with.
Working on a spreadsheet that given a film holder dimension and a lens focal length the spreadsheet will output all the dimensions to build the camera.